Due to unprecedented member interest, United Community Solar has no more solar subscriptions available at this time.
As we work to secure more subscriptions for our members, please use the form on this page to join United's waiting list. We will contact each member on a first come, first served basis once subscriptions again become available.
Thank you for your patience.
Frequently Asked Questions About United Community Solar
United currently purchases power from two solar facilities. One is located in Bosque County in the southern part of United’s territory. The newest addition is located in Erath County.
There are 9,900 2-kW subscriptions available.
A member with an average monthly consumption of 500 kWh qualifies for one (2 kW) subscription. A member with an average monthly consumption of 1,000 kWh qualifies for two subscriptions (4 kW total).
Each subscription is limited to 2 kW to maximize the total number of subscriptions offered to United members. Capping the total amount of subscriptions available per member to two subscriptions, allowing more members to participate in the community solar program.
When you subscribe to United’s community solar program, you are subscribing to a 2-kW portion of the overall total capacity of solar facilities. Every month the subscriber will allocated their 2-kW percent of the total generation output of the facility.
The participating member will receive a credit, displayed on their billing statement, based on the United Community Solar kWh allocation for the month. In the example below, the member realized a savings of $27.59 from the 376 kWh solar allocation.
No. The kWh allocation of the member’s subscription(s) is not a fixed monthly amount, but rather a percentage of the total production of the solar facilities each month, and will vary monthly depending on total generation of the solar facilities. The generation is intermittent and the production varies from day to day and depends on many factors, including weather and other acts of God, solar equipment failure, and sunlight factors based on time of the year. Due to the intermittent nature of solar, the Cooperative cannot guarantee the actual production kWh that subscribers will receive monthly.
No. United’s Community Solar program provides the membership an option to participate in a renewable program without having to come up with the funds or find financing options to help pay for the upfront capital cost of a solar system.
Currently, the program will allow up to two subscriptions for only one account. Even if the member has multiple accounts that meet the rate schedule and average consumption criteria, that member can only qualify for a Community Solar subscription for one account. The two subscriptions can not be split between two accounts.
No. There are no fees to apply or participate in United’s Community Solar program.
The community solar rate will vary month to month, depending on production and other energy market costs. As power supply cost continue to increase participants in United’s Community Solar will continue to receive a savings.
The production will vary from month to month, depending on clouding days, the season, and other factors. We estimate that the monthly average kWh allocation will be approximately 442 kWh. In the summer months, the kWh allocation could potentially be as high as 615 kWh and in the winter months the production could potentially drop to 235 kWh. The variation of production is similar to what one could expect with a system that is installed at their residence. The big difference is that through United Community Solar program, the member gets the efficiency benefits of the system being a tracking system.
The green line on the chart below shows the projected kWh allocation for a single subscription and for Multiple (two) subscription. The chart(s) below are comparing the kWh of a member owned roof mount system (2 kW, 4 kW), to United’s community solar subscription Capacity (2kW single subscription and 4kW which is two subscriptions). The orange line is a comparison of the member owned roof mounted system that has a similar annul production as United’s subscription. This comparison is highlighting the fact that, from an annual production perspective, a single subscription (2 kW) of United’s community solar program is equivalent to a 3.5 kW roof mounted system.
Single subscription (2 kW)
Two subscriptions (4 kW total)

The figures above show the estimated monthly production of the single and double 2 kW subscriptions and estimated production of similar rooftop systems.
You could expect that the monthly kWh allocation to be double of a single subscription (2kW). The chart above labeled as 4 kW, is a projection of the kWh allocation for two (2kW) subscriptions. The estimated monthly average kWh allocation is approximately 884 kWh. In the summer months, the kWh allocation could potentially be as high as 1,230 kWh and in the winter months the production could potentially drop to 470 kWh.
Yes, you can participate in United’s Community Solar program as long as you are on United’s single-phase residential rate.
Yes. We are asking all members that participate in the community solar program to agree to a 12-month commitment, this is a non-binding commitment.
Currently, the maximum term is 15 years. Participating members could lock in a rate that is fixed for the next 15 years. The opportunity to fix the rate for a portion of the member’s monthly usage is another attractive aspect to United’s Community Solar program.
Yes, If the new location is served by United Cooperative Services and meets the eligibility requirements mentioned in the FAQ packet.
Subscribers are auto-renewed for another 12-month period. If you would prefer to opt-out of the program, you would need to call United to do so.
We would prefer that you stay in the program for a full 12 months to receive the full benefits of the program. If you opt out before the 12-month commitment period, you will not be penalized. In the case you would like to opt back into the program United reserves the right to reject the request until the end of the original 12-month commitment period.
No, currently net-metered accounts cannot participate in the community solar program. We are hopefully that in the near future we will be able to provide our net-metering accounts with the option to participate in our community solar program.
Yes. New connects can qualify as long as it is a primary residence.
Yes, prePower accounts can qualify for United’s Community Solar program.
No. The solar equipment to support United’s community solar program (panels, inverters, etc.) are located on sites maintained by third parties. This is another attractive benefit for United’s Community Solar program. Participating members will not have to have the panels or other equipment installed on their premises.