NRECA – The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association is the national organization dedicated to representing the collective interests of cooperative electric utilities and the members they serve. Since 1942, NRECA has worked as an advocate for member-owned cooperatives on energy and operational issues, as well as rural community and economic development. NRECA’s more than 900 member cooperatives serve 37 million people in 47 states.
Touchstone Energy – is a national alliance of more than 750 member-owned electric cooperatives in 46 states providing high standards of service to customers large and small. Touchstone Energy cooperatives serve their members with integrity, accountability, innovation and a longstanding commitment to communities.

TEC – Texas Electric Cooperatives is a statewide organization dedicated to representing the interests of cooperative electric utilities in Texas and the members they serve. Established in 1941 and based in Austin, TEC today represents 65 electric distribution cooperatives and the state’s nine generation and transmission cooperatives.

Brazos Electric Cooperative – is the first cooperative formed in the Lone Star State for the purpose of generating and supplying electrical power (1941). The transmission cooperative's members' service territory extends across 68 counties from the Texas Panhandle to Houston. It serves 16 member-owner distribution cooperatives.
PUC – In 1975, the 64th Texas Legislature created the Public Utility Commission of Texas to regulate the rates and services of telephone utilities statewide, electric utilities in unincorporated areas, radio-telephone statewide, and water and sewer utilities in unincorporated areas. The mission of the Public Utility Commission of Texas is to protect customers, foster competition and promote high quality infrastructure.