United Cooperative Services’ tariff fully explains the rates and services provided by the co-op. It defines the service relationship between the cooperative and those desiring or receiving electric utility service from the cooperative. Contractual rights and obligations of both parties are specified in a manner consistent with regulations affecting the cooperative's method of operation. These tariffs are a part of the Electric Service Agreement and are applicable to the provision of all electric utility service by the cooperative in all areas in which the cooperative provides service except as may be precluded by law.
If any provision of this tariff is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this tariff that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of these tariffs are declared to be severable.
This tariff may be changed, modified, or abrogated in whole or in part by the cooperative’s Board of Directors or any regulatory authority having jurisdiction thereof, whether or not at the request of the cooperative, a member, or otherwise. Any changed tariff shall be applicable to bills rendered on or after the effective date of such change. The failure of the cooperative to enforce any of the provisions of this tariff shall not be considered a waiver of its right to do so.
Copies of United Cooperative Services' Tariffs are available for review at all of our locations, or click this button to download a PDF version.