United’s leadership in helping members manage energy use has taken a giant leap forward for members who seek cutting-edge technology that allows them to see how much electricity they consume any time, any day, and in near real-time in the comfort of their home. Members may apply to use in-home energy use displays (IHD) by meeting several minimum requirements and answering a simple question. Applications can be downloaded HERE (link is external) then submitted via e-mail at IHD@ucs.net. There are limited numbers of IHDs available. If all are in use by other members at the time of your application, your name will be added to a running list that will operate on a first-come, first-served basis.
Eligibility hinges on the following criteria.
- Must be a member in good standing for the last 12 months
- Must use the in-home display device in your principle residence, which is served by United
- Must accept a new, complimentary meter that allows the in-home display device to communicate energy usage for your viewing
- Understand that the in-home display device is available for your use free of charge for three calendar months (If the device is not returned, member will be charged $12/month until the device is returned, or $120 if you would like to keep the IHD)
- Must allow United energy experts to conduct a free energy audit on your home (preferably at the end of the three-month period)
- On the application (or in the body of the e-mail), in a few sentences, state your purpose and objectives for participating in this study
The GE energy display provides consumers with information to help them make better energy decisions with the objectives of reducing energy consumption and saving money. The energy display does this by communicating with United’s smart meter to show total energy consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh) as reported to the cooperative, or the approximate equivalent in dollars and cents. The estimate of the cost of that total energy will vary from your actual bill because it is established on base pricing for electricity and does not include taxes, surcharges, etc.