Our text message outage reporting service is a free 24/7 notification service provided to members that allows you to report outages, check the status of your outage, and receive restoration notices by text message. Members must have five accounts or fewer to enroll, and all five accounts can be registered. Your CURRENT cell phone number(s) must be on file prior to registering for outage text messaging. Members can add up to two cell numbers. To do so, sign into MyAccount and type one or two cell phone numbers into the primary and cell boxes on your account. For assistance, call your local United office (817-556-4000) during business hours to register your mobile phone number(s). Then, use the widget link below to sign up. This can take 24 hours for the number to register to the account here.
Make sure you type your area code in parentheses when submitting your number below. Message and data rates may apply. Please check with your carrier if you are not sure about your text messaging plan.
By submitting this form, the person responsible for the account indicated agrees to received Outage Texting notices from United Cooperative Services.
Read about the privacy policy HERE.
Key Words
UNITED To register your account. Your mobile number must be on file prior to using this option
OUT To report an outage at your location
STATUS To receive an update on your outage status
STOP To opt-out of the texting service
HELP To request instructions on how to use the service and a number to contact member services
*Message and data rates may apply. Please check with your carrier if you are not sure about your text messaging plan.
How to Sign Up for and Use Outage Texting