In order to serve members better, United Cooperative Services will begin upgrading its metering system to the newest and most advanced technology available.
United first began using the new meters in 2016 in a number of areas. Beginning in the spring of 2020, United’s contractor began a system-wide meter exchange throughout the service territory. United was forced to perform the upgrade after the old meter's manufacturer announced it will no longer support the old system with replacement parts and service.
The metering technology that measures usage is the same as the old meter we replaced. However, the new meter sends usage and other data in 15-minute increments over a mesh network. The obsolete model sent data back to the co-op offices over the power lines, which in some cases took several days.
Better data allow United to respond faster to outages. Also, our energy advisors can use it to more accurately detail our members' usage patterns, which in turn can help them detect malfunctioning equipment in the home or help better explain to members how they can save energy and energy dollars (Read BENEFITS OF BETER DATA below). The new meters provide increased operating efficiencies to United since connection orders can be conducted remotely rather than in-person.
Members likely will never notice a difference between the older, second-generation meter outside their homes and businesses and a new cutting-edge wireless meter. Technicians began with an initial 24,000-meter deployment in the cooperative’s easternmost service area. Similar deployments will follow every year until all old meters have been replaced.
In order to perform the meter exchange, a momentary interruption of power is necessary. Contractors will use proper health and safety recommendations for interacting with members during the COVID-19 pandemic. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. The graphic below lists what members may experience during the process. Read more about it here:
United's last system-wide meter upgrade occurred between 2004 and 2007.