Trouble Viewing Username and Password in Pay Bill Online Box
- Try hitting Control and F5
- Turn off pop-up box blockers, or click "allow" for our website to open a pop-up box
- Delete your computer's cache. Learn more here. Or here for Mac users
- Unbookmark the main web page, type in the address again, and see if the payment portal boxes reappear (works 99 percent of the time, and don't forget to re-bookmark us)
- Call us for more assistance
Although United's website is compatible with many browsers, we have optimized it for the following:
- Internet Explorer version 10 and higher. However, MyAccount payment box no longer appears.
- Microsoft Edge. However, MyAccount payment box may have issues appearing.
- Firefox version 20 and higher
- Chrome version 21 and higher
- Safari version 6.1 and higher
- Opera version 12 and higher
More on Browsers
Confused about what to use? Here are some of the most common web browser icons and things to consider if you need assistance with web browsers:
This is Mozilla Firefox. Your website works best using this. If you see this icon, and your browser is updated, you should have no problems. You may wish to download Mozilla Firefox here. Update to the latest version here.
This is Internet Explorer. While this web browser has been popular for years, it has been replaced by the new Microsoft Edge. Members who still use Internet Explorer are unable to see the payment box on the front page of the website and may find other technical glitches throughout. You may wish to update to a new web browser entirely.
This is Google Chrome. United's website also responds well to this web browser. Find out more about updating Google Chrome here. You may wish to install Google Chrome here.
This is Microsoft Edge, or the older version of it. If you see this older blue "E" icon, it means your Microsoft Edge browser is not up to date. Members with old Edge have trouble seeing the payment box and experience other technical glitches. You may wish install the latest version, which will update old Edge to the latest version, here.
This is the icon for the latest version of Microsoft Edge. If you're seeing this, you shouldn't have a problem viewing anything on United's website. Install the latest version here.
This is Safari, and is most common on Apple products. You can find the latest on installing or updating to the latest version here.
- Windows XP or newer
- Mac OS X (10.2 or higher, 10.4 or higher recommended)
Cookies are optional on www.ucs.net.
JavaScript is required on www.ucs.net for full functionality. Some links will not work without it.
Screen Size
Although United's website is designed to respond to a wide array of resolutions and devices, the best user experience is had on a screen resolution of at least 1280 pixels in width.
This website uses HTML5 to view relevant content.